English / 日本語
  • Outline
    • Title: Ponolf
    • Genre: Multiplayer Deductive Game
    • Player: 3 - 12
    • Price: $5 (Randam Matching Demo: Free-to-play)
    • Developer: Skeyll
    • Release date: Jun 28, 2024
    • Platform: Steam, Android, iOS
    • Language: English, Japanese, Simple Chinese, Traditional Chinese,
      (Used translator from this)Korean, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Indonesian, Turkish
    • Description

      Ponolf is a multiplayer deductive game.
      Create quizzes, answer them, and discuss about the some of them to find out Ponolf who get the wrong. Can communicate with others throughout almost the entire game, so player can always ask for tips about the game, but it may be a trap in itself.
      All players can play the game from the start to the end.
      Pick each other's brains with 3-12players.

    • Features
      • Three types of quizzes: Choice, Writing, and Drawing
      • Two ways to communicate: Voice chat and Text chat
      • 3-12 player online battle
      • Customizable game rules
      • Randam matching modes are free play for Demo
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  • Videos
  • Game Images
  • Other Image